Thursday, July 4, 2019

Sandra sillberzweig art

starting from week 9 to 10 we start to learn about a famous painter called Sandra Sillberzweig. here is a link to her art her art
Image result for warm and cold coloursshe has a disorder that make her see color blighter then we do. so to start we had by doing some pattens then we  wath a vido about her art and how to draw it draw then we did a draif before miss cutler said to about the warm and cold colors and the primary and secondary colors and what mix well together then we went off to draw the lines in penal softly when we had done that we had to go over them in indan ink then color them in pastel then we had to back over the lines in indan ink then your done

here is my one hope you like it

Whats The Graph?!