Thursday, June 24, 2021

Week 6 reading

Questions and answers

 1: When and where do you think the story might be set? How did you work it out? What clues and knowledge of your own did you use? A: I think it is set in older days of NZ and the place they were was in a forest near some mountains. B: I worked it out by seeing how they were dressed and what they where doing/looking for. C: the easy way I figured it out was because the were trying to hunt Moas. What do you learn about Pai and her family and how they live? I think they don't stay in one place as the are trying to hunt Moas. What can you tell about her way of life? What more do you want to know?

A: I think her way of life is that she will start being a lead hunter and try to hunt more. B: I want to find out if she ever hunted a Moa. What happens in the story? Pai goes out and tries to find a Moa and ends up find a place that looks like it is a Moa is living there. She goes back as it is to late to go further but then the next day comes around and she goes back and finds the Moa. She goes back home and paints a picture of what she saw her dad asked her "is this what you saw?" "no says Pai it was only a dream". What questions do you have about Pai’s role, her feelings, and her dreaming? How does the dreaming help her make pictures? A: I want to know why she dreams so much and her family doesn't. I want to know how she feels because she has not caught a Moa. B: I think the dreaming helps her paint pictures because in the dreams shes having it is some thing she really wants to do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Wrinkle in Time Chapter 3

How Does Meg Feel About Her Father.

Chapter 3 Wrinkle in a time answers

Through out the story we heard Meg talking like in this chapter (chapter 3) she talks to Carlos him when he saw a photo of all the scientist. piecing all that together I think that meg is worried about her dad as she knows she might never see him again. she feels sad because she know that she wont be able to see her dad in a long time. She feels angry that he left her, her mum and her brothers behind.

Whats The Graph?!